Noopie an AfterSchoolCartoon

This is an Indie project to develope a platformer

Sunday, June 26, 2005

A Week and no worK =(

School starts tomorrow, so things will be hectic for a bit, but I still hopw people are planning on working, otherwise let me know.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Story Line

Well as for backstory I have a intro story board

Scientist's assitance enters the room, assistance bumps into shelves. A vial is dislodged rolls off the shelf

scientist: "Watch out"

scientist catches the vial

scientist: "Idiot!"

Assistant: "What is it?"

scientist: "A Platformer"

Assistant: "A What?"

scientist: "you know a Platformer a game genre that usually consist of a cartoon charecture which collects lots of items, I made in the 90's before the genre had not lost it's integrity"

assistant: "You made it?"

scientist: "Yeah"

assisant: "How?

scientist: " 1 part cartoon + 1 part fairy dust + 1690 Coins"

assiant: "What is it doing?" (looking into vial)

scientist: "After 4 years of of constant observation, I deduced the charecture, I call Noopie, can fly, but has a limited amount of energy to do so. It seems to use those Energy crystals to create an equilibrium of power to maintain flight, In addition those fountains seem to extend his energy capabilites"

assistant: "But why?"

scientist: "To collect Coins"

assisant: "then what ?"

scientist: "I don't know I never have seen him collect them all"

assistance: "Can I try?"

scientist with meniacle smile:"Sure" Vial is opened and a drop is poured on the assisant. Immediatly he begins to transform into a cartoon. Once he is fully transformed a vacume from the vial sucks the assiant in to the vial.

scientist "Game On!"

AND a END Game sequence

Last coin is collected, there is fireworks and fancy camera angles, suddenly the camera switched to the scientit's lab, the vial trembles. The trembling increases and a light emerges, the then vial explodes and Noopie is revealed.

Scientis: "Congrtatualations of all my assistants you are the only one who has been able to complete my . . . ."

As the scientist says "Game" a cartoon hard clocks him in the faceand knocks the scientist out cold. There is a scene of the sceientist and the broken vial on the floor, along side some remain reminants of the game. Noopie sweeps up the game elements, removes a new vial from the counter, pours the contents of the game from the dust pan into the vial. Noopie then reaches into his pockets and retrieves the coins he has collected. He then taps the coins into the vial, and then shakes the vial. He then pour a drop of the game on to the sleeping scientist. The scientist transforms into noopie and is sucked into the vial.

assiant: "Game On!"

Themes and other Level Design stuff

I wanted to start a blog to get the creative juices flowing.

platforms (first level) - This level will constist of doors, I would like doors for each of the sublevels IN their style. A side this, this level should just be rather generic and or something that can tie everything else together, I am thinking a cartoon town or something, this land should have terrain

Level Editor f11
GUI Editor f10

Vials - To me this is the mario pipe rip off design, I'll be happy to make a trigger and or the need to make a transporter trigger for the pipes would be ideal.

Beach - Floating islands with other beach things

forest - Floating forests

space - Space sky textures (don't forget we will need custom skies for each), maybe satelights and or nasa spaces stations to travel across

circus - 3 rings, big tent, probably lots of AI ( yep probably need ai to push noopie back )

greek - Collumns and pediments on floating islands (ie platforms, see a pattern yet)

punk - Dunno, this could go soooo many ways

underwater - One students though this underwater would be interesting so we can put in a terrain and water block, datablock vairables will need to be tweaked

asian - Asian buildings the male/female roofs, oriental dragons, particles effect for fireworks

computers - all taking place inside a computer, jumping from chip to chip

haunted - Terrain , night sky, low amient, and a sppkey haunted house, with graveyard in the back, maybe pool ( maniac mansion anyone)

snow- mountain , snowmen, wind, Particle emitters

Things we have advaialble for level designers
BottomTrigger, a trigger which needs to be scaled to encompass the bottom of the mission area, when the player enteres it it will reset them back the the starting point (player drop point)

There can be multiple spawnSphere locations, this is mostly for level platforms seeing that it is a special level designed to tie all the others together. All sub levels can only spawn at the start. The max energy save ability should prevent frusteration from having to start over each time they make a mistacke.

Physical zones areas, where the gravity can change, and/or a velocity can be applied

Triggers, in general ask and I will make, or show you how ( even better)

ParticleEmitters press f5 to bring up the emitter editor

MiniGames? We are debating adding levels which used the build in wheeled/hover/flying vehciles classes. And or adding t2d in for a minor 2d ecperiance. If you have any ideas please elaborate.

Hi, new Blog

Get to work!!!